Debit card section
Codego Support Team
Last Update één jaar geleden
All the information about users' debit card can be found in this section
You can also find a list of the unassigned cards
Here you can decide to assign them to a reseller
Or to search them by the reseller they have been assigned to
In the Activated Debit card section you'll find the list
of the all already activated debit cards
All the details are listed: card last 4 digits, status and usernames
The history and details of users' transactions
done with debit card will be listed in this section
Here you can see all the fees paid by users and company's profits
You can find a list of user's debit card order requests under
''Debit Cards Request List''
When clicking "Debit Cards Cashback", this page will show up
The percentage of cashback taken from the customer's can be decided here